Columbus! Something New 7.26.15
C!SN 7.26.15: We want you to get ready for the Dublin Irish Festival! And we chat about Kolache Republic, 400 West Rich Market {Lock and Key Curiosities}, and Seventh Son Brewing Co.
It was a beautiful Saturday in Columbus! You will remember Juli Carvi introduced listeners to Kolache Republic two weeks ago, and Burke and I needed to try it! So, we arrived at Kolache Republic about noon for our first visit. We split a Sloppy Joe kolache, strawberry kolache, and a chocolate kolache. The sloppy joe kolache was so good, I could not believe it. It was not ketchup-y or messy, but a tasty pastry of savoriness. And then, there were the sweet kolaches. If I were a food blogger, I imagine I would have the exact words to describe the strawberry and the chocolate kolaches. All I can say is I did not want to be full, I found a way to eat every perfect bite. As a matter of fact, I sent Juli a text and a photo from Kolache, her reply was, 'I am jealous.' So, Kolache Republic is now one of those places I will get hungry for and nothing else will satisfy that hunger! They are located on 730 S High, so how about picking up a few kolaches and heading over to Schiller Park for a while?
Next stop, Franklinton to the 400 West Rich building for the 400 Market. Now it is summer, there are vendors inside and outside. It was good to see familiar faces and to visit with vendors we have never talked to before. We stopped by the Lock & Key Curiosities booth and I treated myself to a new Tree of Life handmade pendent. Lock & Key Curiosities also create a variety of handmade bracelets and earrings. Check them out on facebook!
Last stop: Seventh Son Brewing Co. Walking in to this automotive facility turned brewery, tasting room and party/meeting room, I felt refreshed and energized by the light filled, open space. We met our friend, Carrie, and enjoyed a flight of beer, and some mixed drinks. Seventh Son Brewing Co. has a food truck schedule for you to check out on their website, so you will stay nourished during your visit. Seventh Son Brewing Co. also has plenty of patio space. Located on 4th and 4th (and remember, 4th St is a one way street running north!), they do have their own parking.
What is happening next week for C!SN? Dublin Irish Festival. Say no more! I will give one helpful tip. Parking can be tricky. So, park in the Metro Place parking off of Frantz Rd and take a shuttle! And note: there is Major Construction around the area!