Columbus! Something New 1.10.16

C!SN 1.10.16: Upcoming events: Ohayocon 2016, Zauber Brewing Company celebrates two years of beer at their taproom, and Rock and Roll Book Club’s first ever public taping of their podcast. Also, we visit the Jubilee Museum and Catholic Cultural Center.


On Saturday, Burke, the girls, and I had the pleasure of browsing through the Jubilee Museum and Catholic Cultural Center, located on 57 S. Grubb St, Columbus 43215. Recognized by the Vatican, the Jubilee Museum is the largest collection of diversified Catholic art in the United States! Upon entering the museum, we were warmly greeted by the delightful Graziella Marchicelli, Ph. D., who is the Director of Museum Services and Special Exhibitions. As we arrived at noon, between the 11am and 1pm Saturday tours, Graziella gave us an overview of the museum, the goals and vision of the center, and directed us to the current exhibit: In Memory of an Artist. This exhibit features the personal collection and artwork of the late Father Harry Schneider. Many fantastic pieces from this collection are on display until February 6, 2016. The entire museum is breathtaking and, as Burke said, a hidden gem!

Who is ready to get their cosplay on? Admit it, you are! Friday January 15 through Sunday January 17 at the Hyatt Regency Columbus - Greater Columbus Convention Center is Ohayocon 2016! Remember on our second podcast in 2015 we chatted with Wolf Starr at Ohayocon 2015? My daughter attended Ohayocon for the first time, fully dressed as her favorite anime character! This year, C!SN will be back at Ohayocon 2016 ready to look for anime characters, science fiction and also fantasy characters (my fingers are crossed for Gandalf, Galadriel, and any hobbits). Carrigan is getting her cosplay finished up and we are all set!

Zauber Brewing is celebrating two years at their taproom on January 23! Located at 909 W. Fifth Ave, Zauber Brewing will be offering rotating beer specials, free brewery tours, hourly prize giveaways and live entertainment from The Winnie Cooper Project! Also planned is a new specialty release, an imperial version of their beloved Berzerker IPA! Thank you, Zauber Brewing, for connecting to C!SN! We will see you there!

Rock and Roll, books and live podcasting, does it get any better? No way! You can be a part of all three at the Rock and Roll Book Club's live podcast recording event on Tuesday, January 26, at 7pm. Located at the Upper Arlington Public Library (2800 Tremont Road, Upper Arlington, 43221), Mark Dantzer, Pat Buzzard, Chuck Johnson and Ryan Smith will be discussing Hitless Wonder: A Life In Minor League Rock And Roll by Joe Oestreich. Immediately following, Joe will Skype for a Q & A session. Colin Gawel will also join to play a few songs live. This is a free event and I have read snacks will be provided, so.......!

C!SN is always happy to feature the music of Captain Kidd!
